Friday, May 17, 2024

Jesus Trains Us in Our Spiritual Warfare Dreams - AFG2SW - Chapter 09 - TOG EP 111

Does Jesus use dreams and nightmares to equip spiritual warfare warriors? What does this training look like? Why do these dreams look and feel extremely real on rare occasions? Like they're not a dream! In episode 111 of Tales of Glory, we dive into spiritual warfare dreams, nightmares, and things that go bump in the night! What is a sixth mansion flight of the spirit, and does it happen in dreams? What does it mean to be accessed in a dream? Is it real? What does it look and feel like when the Holy Spirit is present in these warfare dreams? Does the Holy Spirit put warriors in a spirit realm as they're asleep? And we dive into a Q &A session with a listener who has spiritual warfare questions regarding this intense spiritual topic! Join us as we continue with the "A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare" workshop and dive into chapter 9!

#TalesOfGlory #M16Ministries #AFieldGuideToSpiritualWarfare

Workshop course outline:
00:04:12 Introduction
00:20:40 Assignments in Dreams
00:31:38 From Dreams to Manifestations and Attacks
00:39:59 See You in Your Dreams
00:54:03 Fighting Back
01:01:52 Q & A
01:13:46 Conclusion

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Show Notes

Dark dream interpretation mentioned in episode 111.

Cindy McGill and Abby McKee interview  on Elijah Fire

-the first encounter by Abby in this video (t=23:30) we discussed on TOG.

WHAT GOD DID IN VEGAS ElijahFire: Ep 392 - Cindy McGill and Abby McKee

Jesus appears to missionary in a dream - mentioned in podcast.




Interesting, our long time listener, "Sharpen Your Irons in the Second Heavens Souza" is reporting this too...

I was visited by a Warlock and his three witches... - from her YouTube

Till Next Time

This topic is the most controversial subject I have published in Tales of Glory. Many people will either think, what the heck is the Bishop talking about, or it will resonate intensely. Either way, I hope you enjoy this and glean some Holy Spirit training to assist you in your spiritual walk with the God Almighty!

 God Bless

Rev. Mike

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