Monday, June 17, 2024

Jesus Breaks Generational Curses - AFG2SW - Chapter 11 - TOG EP 114

In episode 114 of Tales of Glory, we dive into Chapter 11, Generational Curses, in my book A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare—The POWER to pull the IMPOSSIBLE from the Heavenly Realm. So, what exactly is a generational curse? Why do generational curses exist under the new covenant? Do Christian deliverance social media influencers genuinely understand what a generational curse is? What common varieties of generational curses do we regularly encounter? Is repenting enough to break a curse? Are Internet curse-breaking prayers nothing more than incantations? How do you break a generational curse? We cover these controversial topics in episode 114 of Tales of Glory!


Workshop course outline:
00:00:00 Romans 3:21-26 Redemption and Justification through Jesus Christ
00:01:34 Welcome
00:10:22 Introduction to Generational Curses
00:15:42 The Curious Case for the Generational Curse
00:20:48 Generational Curses - The Supernatural, the Great Commission and AMBIGUITY!!!
00:20:57 1. Charismatic doctrinal misinformation
00:22:15 2. Generational family dysfunction
00:23:27 3. Generational curse through subjugation with false gods
00:25:30 4. Ambiguous unsolvable generational curses
00:31:56 5. Spiritual direction and trials best approach
00:34:16 6. The principality lie
00:35:38 7. Difficult curse breaking from secret societies such as the Freemasons
00:38:20 Considerations when dealing with curses
00:41:26 Legalism of unclean spirits
00:46:27 Spiritual Exercise: Breaking Generational Curses
01:01:49 Conclusion

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Show Notes

Till Next Time

Thank you for stopping by and hanging out for the workshop. I hope you enjoy it and benefit from the information!

God Bless
Rev. Mike

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