Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saint Teresa of Avila - Interior Castle Third Mansions Chapter 02

Tales of Glory - We continue into the Third Mansions!  Souls in Third Mansions are far along in their prayer life. We are walking with a high degree of self-confidence, and presume we have our prayer life all figured out. And then, we start experience horrible dryness in prayer. Our buckets at the well are coming up empty and we are no longer having the experiences in prayer we once had. Saint Teresa counsels us through this terrain of prayer aridity.


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Show Notes:

The Interior Castle Manuscripts and Commentaries Used for this Podcast

This wraps up the Interior Castle Third Mansions and beginning prayer. Next we move deeper into prayer with beginning experiences of God coming to us in the Fourth Mansions! Yes, we dive into mystical experiences!! 

God Bless
Rev. Mike