Sunday, February 27, 2022

TOG - Fireside Chat - Discerning Fractured Souls from Possession - Ep 37


Tales of Glory Episode 37 - Rev. Mike discusses discerning fragmented souls from demonic possession. In this episode, we dive into how to discern a severely fractured soul from being a possessed soul. What do you do when a soul ends up on your church doorstep and proclaims they are the embodiment of a principality or an archangel? In this podcast, we look at case examples and steps to take on how to proceed. When is it inner healing ministry, and is it a case for an exorcism? How do we work in inner healing with souls that are severely fractured?

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Show Notes

Till Next Time

Thank you for tuning in! Let me know if you like the shorter formats. Feel free to ask questions on this subject matter in the comments section below.

God Bless!!!

Rev. Mike

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

TOG - Fireside Chat - Deliverance and Autistic Children - Ep 36

Tales of Glory - Episode 36 - Fireside Chat session on deliverance ministry and the topic of autistic children. Is autism a sign of demonic possession? What are deliverance ministers saying? Do they have it right? Finally, we will discuss the comments made by a deliverance minister from a rival tent in the south.

We will go through the demonology and the theology in the Bible. Are deliverance ministers misquoting the Bible and dangerously misleading people? Lot's of interesting stuff in this episode. 

Listen or Watch on Spotify 

Listen on Anchor.FM

Watch on Youtube


Show Notes

 Mark 9:14-29 - misquoted by the minister in the video.

Acts 16:16-18 - the minister mashed this scripture with Mark 9. It came out in that hour.

Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus heals a deaf and dumb man who wasn't demonized.

Source material for this episode -link to the article referenced in the podcast.

 Till Next Time

 We're working to resume regular podcasts. Thank you for being patient. Having conversations with the Holy Spirit on what content to produce next.

God Bless

Rev. Mike


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

TOG - Fireside Chat - Comments on a Children's Deliverance Session - Ep 35

Returning from hiatus, AGAIN!!! Tales of Glory listeners, it's good to be back. I was focusing time on a writing project. It seems like every December that God has a writing project for me. Well, I came up for air and back in front of the mic. A friend of mine sent me a deliverance video from youtube.
The youtube video was on a deliverance session involving children. It contains some good information on the does and don'ts of ministry. This one includes a lot of don'ts and is an excellent source for ministry edification.

For those of you who are listeners to the podcast, this commentary will show you the cases of dissociated identity disorder I speak a great deal on in my classes and broadcasts. Excellent training material here.



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Til Next Time!

That's all for now! Slowly ramping up out of writing mode and switching back to podcast mode. More material to follow shortly. Waiting on the Holy Spirit as to what content to produce next! Supernatural Through His Word? Interior Castle? A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare? Another Fireside Chat? We'll see!

God Bless!

Rev. Mike