Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Halloween The Paranormal Pride Show with Denise Pridemore

 On Halloween night, Monday Oct 31, 2022, I had the pleasure of being on The Paranormal Pride show with Denise Pridemore. Denise is an old friend of mine who was a part of the Demonology Today show with the late Ken and Farah Deel. This was like a family reunion. It was a great time and since I knew Denise I opened up to a lot of questions about ministry and some things that happened in my life to get me in the place that I am at now in ministry.



Show Notes

Here are some of the Bible verses we discussed on the show. I rattled off a lot of scripture on the show. Here is most of what I remember. Go ahead looks these up. Or watch the video and see where they were cited.

Matthew 27:50-54  - during Jesus resurrection the dead are raised and walk the streets.

1 Samuel 5:1-7 -  the Philistine god Dagon bows to Yahweh's presence in the Ark of the Covenant. I mistakenly identified the Philistines as the Canaanites.

Acts 16:16-18 - Paul casts the demon out of the fortune teller girl. 

Acts 19:11-20 - the sons of Sceva, Jewish exorcists, using the Solomon rituals, get beat up badly by the demons.  - Why the Old Catholic church shouldn't be indulging in this demonic and false ritual of exorcism (Ghosts of Shepherdstown with Nick Groff).

Luke 10:17-20 - we can all cast out demons in the name of Jesus! Deliverance scripture.

Mark 9:9-29 - scripture defining exorcism, we petition Jesus.

Joel 2:28 - the Holy Spirit is poured out on all of us. Why we're all capable of spiritual discernment. It's not a psychic gift.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11 - Spiritual discernment is a gift from the Holy Spirit, not a psychic gift (see verse 10).

Luke 16:19-31 - Sheol - Hades description and righteous in Abraham's bosom prior to Jesus' resurrection.

Genesis 6:1-4 - angelic beings- referred to as the Watchers, rebel against God and take for themselves earthly wives and mate with them.

2 Peter 2:4 - angels in chains are the Watchers from Genesis 6:1-4. Satan is not in chains ..yet.

Jude 1:6 - angels in chains - the Watchers!

Revelation 9:1-6 - the Watchers released in the end times to bring torment.


If its confusing or overwhelming in information, this is all explained in my book, Cosmology and Demonology in Genesis 1-11.

Hope you enjoyed the show with Denise Pridemore. I had a lot of fun.

God Bless

Rev. Mike


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