Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Assisting Non-Christian Believers with Demonic Torment

How does a Christian assist a non-believing Christian who is experiencing demonic activity? Glad you asked. In this blog I will outline what our initial meeting at pagan or New Ager's house usually looks like.

First of all, you must ask yourself the question, are you the one who belongs in this fight. Many times Christians get over zealous and jump into a battle way above their pay grade. Yes, we were given authority over the demonic. But many Christians can't handle the midget demons in their own closet, then they go off and take on what they call "a giant". This is a remedy for a good old fashion spiritual butt kicking. It won't look very well if you go off half cocked into a battle, get beat up spiritually and quite possibly physically.

I didn't use to differentiate myself before from a deliverance minister, but now I do use the title exorcist. An exorcist is a minister who is operating under the anointing of God to assist individuals with long term and nasty battles against the forces of darkness and sometimes mental illness (from demonic forces). The anointing is critical because it protects you and helps you when severe demonic oppression is flung on you from warfare. This is a nasty demonic acid trip of depression to endure and it requires a supernatural battle. Many times while you're helping someone else. They don't call it spiritual warfare for nothing!

Many deliverance ministers cast out demons, bless homes and break curses. I started using the term exorcist because my ministry was recognized as such and operating at that level. At this point in ministry, your team includes therapists and doctors, It wasn't a self-appointed title. If you read my book, "A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS", I discussed this distinction. An exorcist comes in where the deliverance minister needs assistance with warfare. I help other ministers that have gone into homes and got slimed by the demonic activity taking place there. Exorcism and deliverance ministry is not for everyone in the church body. We were given authority by God to deal with our own spiritual warfare. Many Christians are misguided and believe that gives them a license to go out and start a spiritual bar fight. Some Christians are "DRAFTED" and not called into higher levels of spiritual warfare. Exorcism can be a life threatening ministry and only those equipped should be involved. PERIOD.- End of my disclaimer.

How do you help a non-believer who experiencing demonic activity? Simple. The same way Jesus would have. In the western church we only recognize one category of Jesus 3-fold ministry. We only preach the Gospel. Jesus ministry was comprised of teaching the Gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons. When I work with New Agers and Pagans, many times a one fold Christian with lack of spiritual maturity has already gotten to them and vehemently hurt them. This is the person who told this individual that they are going to Hell rather than love them as they were like Jesus would have. I know I just rattled some religious spirits reading that line. But it's how Jesus ministered. Remember in the last days of the church the Holy Spirit was poured out on all of us. Jesus is seeking all of us!

When I am called out to a pagan's or New Agers home I respect their beliefs and not try to convert them. They are in the midst of a personal and spiritual crisis. I walk into their home with the confidence that Jesus is going to do something and make himself real to this individual. I am demonstrating the true Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Not the false jesus they may know from the unitarian perspective of spirituality. Yes, you are operating in the miracles, signs and wonders - the three-fold Gospel of Jesus. If you never seen a miracle through prayer this is not a good scenario for you. Why? Because these people are spiritual and you're not going to be able to give them a fire and brimstone sermon when you yourself have never seen the supernatural like they have. Get the picture? Many Christians aren't walking in the power their own God gave them the authority and power to walk in. Unless you are walking in this, can hear from God, can pull down the power of heaven through prayer, you won't be affective. These people have seen the supernatural through the forces of darkness. And pretty much the predicament they are in stems from their own dabbling in darkness. White witches don't realize their power is dark.

When our team ministers in these environments we use prophetic ministry. When we meet the individual we listen to God for him to give us something meaningful about this person. Usually, it is deep and touches their heart. At the right moment, we share the word we got during the initial meeting with the individual. When they hear what we have to share - it puts our team in a position where their wall with Christians comes down a bit so we can minister. We let God do the talking. We walk on egg shells in these environments. Recall that Jesus sometimes performed healing miracles before he shared the Gospel. Same situation here. It's a woman at the well encounter (see John 4). There is a correct and positive way to demonstrate the supernatural realm of Jesus. Word of knowledge or prophetic word is the tool of choice through Jesus. And whatever you do, avoid your "So sayeth the Lord" malarchy. It may fluff you up at church, but if you're word is wrong. You just shut down the whole meeting. What I am saying, is, don't be afraid your word is wrong. Be more afraid it is offensive to the individual. "So sayeth the Lord" is overly religious and usually used by people in church who fake it until they make it - so to speak. You must be experienced at hearing God to do this. We can ALL hear from God! Do you ever wonder why all these people on ghost hunter shows buy into the lie that their kids are psychics? We are all spiritual beings and we all have the spiritual listening equipment. If you are a deliverance minister - get trained. John Paul Jackson's Art of Hearing God is a great place to start. My team trains churches too. So if you're in Northern California, look us up. We'd be glad to come out and train your church.

With these individuals, they are looking at you and waiting for you to sound like the immature Christian who is going to tell them they're going to Hell. Jesus loves people where they're at. It's important to build a relationship with these people and gain their trust. Jesus will give you a dead on word to get their attention. We always laugh when the people ask us where did we get our psychic training from. We tell them we're not psychic, we're trained to hear the voice of our creator.

When we make appointments with New Agers and pagans they are always blown away that we are not the typical (Western) Christians. We are there to build a relationship with the individual. Sure there is a demon in their home -but Jesus will deal with that.

When the initial meet and greet is over we ask for permission to walk through their home. We're not carrying an over-sized ornate cross like we just stepped out of a horror movie. Many times we just show up in plain clothes and carry a Bible or an ipad - and some anointing oil. That's it for the items we bring to a house with activity. The Jesus inside of you -the minister, is who is going to be doing all the work. You just need to be listening and moving with him and not in the opposite direction of him. So yes, you read that correctly, no ovulus, no spirit box, no K2 meter, no digital recorders, no video cameras, nadda - just a small flask of anointing oil. We like to travel light, minimizes setup time for the ministry. Then we walk through the house, and we discern where the spiritual activity is taking place in the home. Yes - we kick it old school. Believe it or not the Holy Spirit is more accurate that a K2 meter! And we walk through the home with the lights on! We're not filming a lame ghost hunting reality show. We're actually helping someone who is in spiritual torment.

It is common, during the discernment walk through, the demon will reveal itself because it knows an anointing when it sees one. We did not provoke the demon - which is extremely dangerous and should never be done - EVER! If a demon manifests it's good to have team members who understand their authority and identity in Jesus Christ. Because now you have entered the miracle, signs and wonders moment of the meeting.  It at this point, my ministry team gets the thumbs up approval from the non-believer. It is at this point the individual is physically witnessing the power and authority of God. At this point it is okay to vocally pronounce the authority of Jesus Christ during warfare. You must discern if this is the appropriate time to take action and remove the demon or to just demonstrate your power authority over it. God could careless about the demon, it's already been judged and is going to Hell anyway. God cares about the person you are helping. If they clearly understand the power they just witnessed it is time to discuss, after the encounter, and it is shutdown, what just occurred and why. Jesus only wants people to love him through the individual's own free will. This is when you explain the angelic spiritual war and that these creatures -demons, are in rebellion to the God most high. This is not a convert to Jesus or perish speech. This is the time to give them information on what happened and why. They must process what they witnessed and make some decisions. You must be mature in your walk and know that God is big enough to deal with this individual and give them time and space to process. Exorcism is essentially prophetic and process evangelism while operating in the miracles, signs and wonders. Many times, you just need to be a good listener, discern when to shut up, and listen to their story. Some people will come to Christ, some will over what seems to be a very long period of time, and some never will. Some people will run to God just to be healed from their pain and not seek Jesus. This situation in itself is a whole other can of demonic worms.

It is through YOUR sensitivity to the individual plus the miracles, signs and wonders, that hearts change during warfare. The heart must change before the demons are expelled. Otherwise, 7 more horrible homies will return. Not always the rule of thumb. If you can hear God on one or two  occassions he may ask you to do otherwise and evict the demons before repenting. I know - the religious spirit person's head just spun around again. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO LISTEN TO GOD IN THIS MINISTRY!

This is not a methodology. It's building a relationship with the individual and understanding where they're at in their spiritual walk. I have used miracles, signs and wonders over the phone to help gnostics who called me. One gnostic went to a psychic and the psychic told them to call me! I didn't know the psychic. Sometimes God intercepts transmissions and gives psychics info. This person through a supernatural God was led to Christ. Using prayers and shutting down demonic voices over several phone calls this individual decided God was real. She had no where else to turn but to Jesus.

I have had power encounters with legion and shutdown their activity. Only in this case, the psychic didn't want to give up her legion of demonic spirit guides (we've seen this with Paul in Acts). In this case, the woman would rather be thrown down the stairs then seek Jesus. We broke off ministering with this woman. Her husband would call us every night for a week because we could shut down legion over a phone call on the speaker phone. But this individual didn't want Jesus so we couldn't help her any further. You must remember, this is all a process. Just because they reject Jesus now doesn't mean they won't call you back later. Exorcism takes time and it's all about the heart of the individual and turning their heart to Jesus. This ministry is not about kicking the BUTTS of demons. It is about the grace and mercy of God coming down and helping someone who is spiritually wounded - in their darkest hour.

If you require information on how to bless a house, or foundational information in starting a deliverance ministry, pick up a copy of my book.

A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS


Rev. Mike


  1. really good read! printing this and saving for future reference!

  2. Thank you, Rev. Mike. Wish their were more astute, mature, prophetic Christians like you in the Body of Christ. Really need them all right now! In this time period! Know any great churches in the Lincoln, Nebraska area?
