Sunday, July 7, 2024

Jesus Breaks Soul Ties - AFG2SW - Chapter 12 - TOG EP 115

In episode 115 of Tales of Glory, we dive into Chapter 12, Soul Ties, in my book A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare—The POWER to pull the IMPOSSIBLE from the Heavenly Realm. So, what exactly is a soul tie? Are they Christian New Age, or are they real? Where are there Biblical references to soul ties in the Bible? When should we break soul ties? How do we break soul ties? What is the difference between a sexual soul tie and one from a non-sexual relationship? Can we get ungodly soul ties from mentors and ministers? We cover these controversial topics in episode One-One-Five of Tales of Glory!

Workshop course outline:
00:00:00 1 Corinthians 6:15-17
00:00:44 Welcome
00:05:18 What is a Soul Tie?
00:09:59 Knowing - intimate soul ties with God and spouses
00:16:24 God institutes intimate soul ties in marriage
00:25:25 Sexual and ungodly soul ties
00:27:08 Holy Ghost Stories from the M16 X-Files
00:33:40 Unhealthy Non-Sexual Soul Ties
00:40:56 Spiritual Exercise - Breaking Soul Ties!
00:46:50 Conclusion

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Show Notes

Till Next Time

Thank you for stopping by and tuning in! I pray this information on soul ties was beneficial to you! Keep ministry simple, and let Jesus do the work!

God Bless
Rev. Mike

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