Sunday, July 21, 2024

Jesus in the Torah - Exodus 23 - TOG EP 117

In episode 117 of Tales of Glory, we're diving back into the Torah with chapter 23 of the Book of Exodus! In the first portion of chapter 23, we finish up more laws for the Israelites (v1-19). Then, in the latter portion of chapter 23, Yahweh warns us about foreign gods. Who could these foreign gods possibly be? More on the Watchers and territorial spirits! Yahweh tells us to be careful to obey the one who goes before the Israelites because His name is in Him. And he can forgive transgressions! More fascinating topics in the Torah are covered here in episode 117 of Tales of Glory!

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Show Notes

Unfortunately, with my dyslexia, I only catch things in video post-production, like a misspelled PowerPoint slide header! Argh!
It is Lectio Divina and Lectio Davina! So, following the penance of old-school misspelling words on the Friday morning English class vocabulary quiz:

I will not misspell Divina.
I will not misspell Divina.
I will not misspell Divina.
I will not misspell Divina.
I will not misspell Divina.

Now you know I am a one-man operation!


Till Next Time

It's great to finally get back into the Book of Exodus. We've been on hiatus too long! I pray you were blessed by chapter 23 of Exodus. 


God Bless

Rev. Mike

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