Sunday, July 14, 2024

Jesus - Spiritual Discernment Walkthrough of the Haunted Town of Locke- TOG EP 116

In episode 116 of Tales of Glory, get your permission slips signed because we are going on an M16 road trip to the haunted town of Locke, California. How do you learn to operate and sharpen your gift of spiritual discernment if you are a spiritual warfare minister? What's the difference between a spiritual discernment walkthrough and doing paranormal investigating? What caution and protection do you need to exercise and practice when sharpening your spiritual discernment? Should all Christians do discernment walks in haunted sites? We cover these controversial topics in episode 116 on our Tales of Glory M16 Ministries' road trip!



00:00:00 Intro
00:00:18 Welcome
00:03:08 Intro the Town of Locke
00:05:50 Boots on the Ground Priming for Spiritual Discernment
00:07:35 Discernment Kicks in at the Strange Cargo Book Store and Al's Place
00:08:54 Jan Ying Association Museum Walkthrough
00:11:00 Dai Loy Gambling House Museum
00:14:00 GA findings in the Dai Loy
00:16:28 GA in the Dai Loy Lottery room where I picked up on the oppression.
00:19:47 GA interviews and PT Barnums the Locke historian
00:22:09 Interviewing the town B&B owner
00:24:58 Wrap Up

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Show Notes

Season 11, Episode 5 Feb 2016 GA : Chinese Town of Locke
Watch Episode on Apple TV

Zak and Dylan in the Lottery room of the Dai Loy Casino

Spirits attack Psychic and Jay in the Dai Loy Casino


Some Good History on the Town of Locke

Till Next Time

I hope you enjoyed the July 2024 M16 road trip to Locke. Praying this material equips you for spiritual warfare ministry!
God Bless
Rev. Mike


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