Friday, November 27, 2015
House Blessing in Cambodia
Some of the highlights on my mission trips is when I am released to do spiritual warfare in a foreign country. First of all, I say released into ministry because you simply can’t go gung-ho and cast out demons everywhere you go. You must first get a feeling of the regional spirits and the spiritual environment you are operating. God may or may not release you to minister in certain settings. He does this to protect you the minister.
On this trip, I had the fortunate opportunity to be released into blessing a children’s home in Cambodia that was experiencing spiritual activity. The organization running the home is a powerful Christian organization and worship and prayer are practiced in this children’s home on a daily basis. So this made for an interesting challenge for me.
I entered the home as part of a missionary team to come work with the children there. We brought the kids some gifts and were going to play with them. When I stepped through the threshold of the front door of the home, my discernment alarms spiked. I felt oppression, for me it is tangible and I can feel it. It’s like a sense for me. I call it my spidey-sense. The spidey-sense was going off.
I excused myself from the free nickel tour and asked if I could walk the home myself. I was with close friends who raised me in ministry so they know what that question meant. I needed to walk the house alone to feel the house for spirits.
I walked up the staircase of the home and instantly I felt my stomach churn. As the oppression intensifies it tells me I am getting closer to the area of infestation. I actually use it like a compass, or the game of hot and cold, to seek the spot that is oppressed.
At the top of the stairs, in the head mistress bedroom I felt a lot of oppression. I turned and walked out to a balcony, where I could hear internally that a spirit was telling me to jump of the balcony and kill myself. The spirits were now identifying themselves under the authority of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had me discern a spirit of death and suicide. I kept feeling that there was a spirit of infirmity that was with these spirits.
I collected my data, all with the use of rem pods, evps, or go dark night time videos, or pains taking reviewing of videos. 10 minutes tops!
Now I needed confirmation on my findings. I usually do a house walk through with a team of members that can truly discern. But none of these people were with me at the moment.
On our team were some ministry students who knew how to hear God and were prophetic ministers. It was time for some on the job training. I went downstairs to find a cadet for this mission. Everyone was outside on the nickel tour in the garden. Except, a young woman named Cynthia. God set her aside I figured, so I drafted her into my walk through.
I wanted to finish the walk through before the tour ended and the people returned. I told Cynthia to follow me and I took her to the base of the stairs and told her that I was going to teach her to feel the house. She looked at me kind of puzzled at first. I took her up to the second floor and worked with her to still her mind using psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God. I didn’t tell Cynthia that I felt that the house had spiritual activity.
It took Cynthia a few moments, and she dialed in to hear God. I told her to relax and tell me what she was feeling in her body. She said nothing at first. And I told her to wait a minute, and relax some more. And re-iterated psalm 46:10.
When Cynthia took a deep breath, and relaxed, she pointed behind her back to the stairwell. She said, “I didn’t like coming up the stairs. It made me feel a little sick in the stomach.”
I told her that was something I felt on the stairs too. Then I asked her to walk around on this floor and get a feel for the spiritual atmosphere in the house.
I told her not to worry, that the Holy Spirit would protector her up hear. Cynthia responded with a weird look. She walked into the head mistress bedroom where she felt the feelings inside her intensify. That was a hot spot for me too. Then Cynthia turned and flowed her discernment out to the balcony. I asked her what she was feeling. Or if she sensed anything on the balcony. But she wouldn’t fully disclose to me what she was feeling. I know she felt the suicide presence. She just wanted off the balcony and back into the house. Cynthia then followed her discernment into the dorm room. I felt a lot of oppression in their too and Cynthia went to the same spot I was drawn to.
Even though Cynthia was being given on the job training she was doing great in discerning the oppression hot spots. I released Cynthia to go back down and work with the kids. Her walk through validated what I discerned in my previous walk I did alone.
At this point it was time to interview people who lived in the house. I felt the oppression was so intense that objects were moving and people were being terrorized this.
This was going to be an interesting interview. I am in Cambodia, I have a friend who is a translator, but I don’t know if I could get this point across. I asked my friend Tong, to ask the head mistress if anything weird happens in this house at night. I didn’t say haunted I wanted to them to define weird!
The head mistress’ eyes lit up and she points to the upstairs. Tong told me that she said there is an old woman that appears upstairs and she is very violent!
We proceeded upstairs, Tong, the head mistress, a house mom, and myself. The head mistress led us to her room. I pulled out my phone to start videoing the interview. The head mistress told us of an arm and head apparition that comes through her wall. She then led us into the dorm and showed us where the apparition walks through the dorm beds and into the wall. It was the wall with the stairs on the other side where Cynthia and I experienced churning stomachs.
The house mom told us that the spirit would violently shake the beds when this would spirit manifestation would occur. At this point I felt an aggressive house blessing was in order.
What really surprised me was the level of spiritual warfare these women engaged. In America, someone so much as thinks they heard something go boo immediately calls a deliverance minister. These ladies, were at threat to this spirit. I was completely in awe of their caliber of spiritual warfare. Satan himself could have showed up here and these ladies would have punched him in the nose.
The head mistress stopped the entity from coming through her wall through laying down spiritual boundaries. I then found out that my friend, Tong, who was doing the translating also was involved in the warfare. He prayed with the ladies in warfare and manage to stop the bed shaking.
I received the head mistress permission to conduct the house blessing. It was time to push this thing out completely.
When the head mistress went downstairs, Tong led me back into the head mistress’ bed room and showed me the attic access hole in her room. The access was closed. Tong told me that when home was having work done on it to convert it into this children’s home, the construction workers lived in the house. In Cambodia, construction workers live in the construction project, whether building a home or a remodel. He told me the construction workers kept experiencing this odd thing where the attic crawl space panel would be left open. This is a high ceiling and requires a ladder. They would close the ceiling take the ladder away, back down stairs, and then come back up and it was open again.
One day, while the construction workers were there, a full figured apparition manifested, went past them, into the bathroom and turned on the shower. They went into the shower and there was no one there. At that point they did the Scooby and Shaggy run for fear out of there.
After Tong’s walk through and interview with the ladies of the household, I felt at peace I could do a house blessing and close doorways.
Timing was perfect, the missionary team downstairs started a worship set with the kids. It some pretty powerful worship, so I felt in the spirit this was the opportune time to do a blessing.
The house mom was awesome, I asked if she had some olive oil. I wanted to bless it and conduct a blessing of the home. In translation she handed me cooking oil. I shook my head ‘no’. She didn’t have olive oil, but she was such a prayer warrior she had anointing oil in her purse. That would work!
With the awesome worship going on the first floor I made my way back upstairs alone and conducted expelling the spirits and blessing the thresholds. Every door jam, window sill, and all walls were blessed and sealed with signs of the cross in oil.
I wrapped up about my house blessing and expelling about the same time the worship ended. When I had completed the blessing I went back downstairs to debrief Cynthia on what I had her do on the walk through.
I showed Cynthia the video of the walk through interview that confirmed what we discerned. Cynthia asked me what I was doing during the worship. I told her I was expelling the spirits in the house and blessing it. Cynthia said she thought I was doing something. She said because in the middle of worship she felt her stomach go in nots only this time it was more intense. I told her that was part of the discernment process God gave us. It’s an indication the enemy is getting clobbered in warfare.
She started to tear up a bit in our conversation. I asked her what was wrong. She said she always thought she could feel this spiritual stuff but was afraid of being a psychic. I told her discerning spirits through the Holy Spirit is not being a psychic. A psychic uses a demon called a familiar spirit to communicate. WE use the HOLY SPIRIT. Big difference.
I told her one of the spirits was a spirit of suicide. Cynthia looked up at me and asked how I knew that. I said on the balcony I discerned it was telling me to jump off and kill myself. Cynthia said she heard that too but was too freaked out to tell me that. She was a bit more relieved now. She was also very excited to find out she could use her discernment gifting and not be afraid of it. I told Cynthia that God set up the divine appointment for us to work together today. He cleared everybody out of the house but you. She was pretty touched this moment. I am glad I was able to help her and let her know her gifting was safe to use under the parameters the Holy Spirit has laid out for us.
I waited several days to return to the children’s home after the blessing. I wanted to wait for either a phone call that the events were starting up again or no phone call at all for no activity. The latter was best.
When I arrived back to the home a few days later, I could feel oppression outside the house, but not inside. Which was weird. I felt it at the front steps, but not inside. All thresholds were blessed to keep out spirits. I walked the property and felt oppression in the back yard of the home. I discovered there were wells on the property and the oppression seemed to intensify in that area. But not directly at the capped wells. My plan is to return one more time and bless the yard and push the spirits completely off the property. The house itself seems to be okay now. I am not worried about anything returning to the house because of the level of spirituality and worship in the house. The spirits just needed to be expelled from the home. I believe when it is expelled from the property and God’s resources are released to protect it the oppression will be gone once and for all.
The house blessing I used in this house was from the kindle version of my book, A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare. I walked through the house with my cell phone kindle reader.
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
FG2HR - The Nephilim
A Field Guide to the Heavenly Realms - The Nephilim
There were GIANTS in the land!
Who were the Nephilim?
Are there races of giants in the Bible?
Were there evil angels who tried something far more sinister than Satan and are now in a prison of eternal darkness for their rebellion?
Did Peter and Jude believe the Nephilimwere offspring of evil angels and human women?
Did God flood the earth because of these evil abominations?
These topics are examined in the FG2HR - The Nephilim!
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation of maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardia
There were GIANTS in the land!
Who were the Nephilim?
Are there races of giants in the Bible?
Were there evil angels who tried something far more sinister than Satan and are now in a prison of eternal darkness for their rebellion?
Did Peter and Jude believe the Nephilim
Did God flood the earth because of these evil abominations?
These topics are examined in the FG2HR - The Nephilim!
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation of maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardia
Thursday, April 23, 2015
A Field Guide to the Heavenly Realms - Sheol and the Realm of the Dead Part 3 of 3
The previous lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 2
We continue on in our discussion on God's spiritual realms. In this study we're going to look at the victory of Jesus and the end times triumph over Satan and his evil angels. Our topics in this section include:
How does God defeat Satan?
Does God have a prison for evil angels?
What happens to Sheol, Hell, and Torment when God's prophecy is full-filled?
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
paper back - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse.
Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)
Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
The previous lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 2
We continue on in our discussion on God's spiritual realms. In this study we're going to look at the victory of Jesus and the end times triumph over Satan and his evil angels. Our topics in this section include:
How does God defeat Satan?
Does God have a prison for evil angels?
What happens to Sheol, Hell, and Torment when God's prophecy is full-filled?
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)
Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
A Field Guide to the Heavenly Realms - Sheol and the Realm of the Dead Part 2 of 3
The previous lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 1
We continue on in our discussion on God's spiritual realms. In this study we're going to look at the notion of ghosts and human spirits leaving Sheol. Our topics in this section include:
Can the dead leave Sheol?
Can the dead send a message from the grave?
Is ghost hunting in anyway redeemable under God's word?
Can a ministry team use ghost hunting toys?
Part 3 of this lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 3
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation inmaturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
The previous lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 1
We continue on in our discussion on God's spiritual realms. In this study we're going to look at the notion of ghosts and human spirits leaving Sheol. Our topics in this section include:
Can the dead leave Sheol?
Can the dead send a message from the grave?
Is ghost hunting in anyway redeemable under God's word?
Can a ministry team use ghost hunting toys?
Part 3 of this lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 3
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in
A Field Guide to the Heavenly Realms - Sheol and the Realm of Death Part 1 of 3
The previous lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardian Cherub and Demonology

We continue on in our discussion on God's spiritual realms. In this study we're going to look at where the human spirit goes when the body dies. Our topics in this section include:
Why did the righteous go to Sheol before Jesus completed His work on the cross?
How can Sheol fit inside the earth?
Why did Sheol have a section for paradise and for torment?
Part 2 of this lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 2
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
paper back - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse.
Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)
Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
The previous lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardian Cherub and Demonology

We continue on in our discussion on God's spiritual realms. In this study we're going to look at where the human spirit goes when the body dies. Our topics in this section include:
Why did the righteous go to Sheol before Jesus completed His work on the cross?
How can Sheol fit inside the earth?
Why did Sheol have a section for paradise and for torment?
Part 2 of this lesson can be found here. FG2HR - Sheol the Realm of the Dead Part 2
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)
Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
FG2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardian Cherub
A Field Guide to Heavenly Realms - Lucifer the Anointed Cherub
In this lesson we continue on in our discussion of the angelic choirs anddemonology . The previous lesson can be found here, FG2HR - Angelic Choirs and Demonology
In this study, we look at the mystery of Lucifer, whose name is only called out in Latin translations of Bibles (KJV, Latin Vulgate, and Geneva Bible). We're going to look at these topics.
Who was Lucifer?
Why is Lucifer only mentioned once in the Bible - and only certain Bibles?
Is Lucifer the pre-fallen angelic being Satan?
In this lesson we look at the mystery of Lucifer, the angelic being, in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. These passagesreveals some secrets about an angel who was banished by God, and some interesting revelation on commerce and government in Heaven.
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation inmaturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
paper back - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse.
Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)
Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
In this lesson we continue on in our discussion of the angelic choirs and
In this study, we look at the mystery of Lucifer, whose name is only called out in Latin translations of Bibles (KJV, Latin Vulgate, and Geneva Bible). We're going to look at these topics.
Who was Lucifer?
Why is Lucifer only mentioned once in the Bible - and only certain Bibles?
Is Lucifer the pre-fallen angelic being Satan?
In this lesson we look at the mystery of Lucifer, the angelic being, in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. These passages
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in
Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)
Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
Thursday, April 9, 2015
FG2HR - Angelic Choirs and Demonolgy
A Field Guide to the Heavenly Realms - Angelic Choirs and Demonology
A teaching on the angelic hierarchy as defined in the Pauline epistles and Jude.
What are the cosmic beings?
What are demons?
What's the difference between a demon and dark angel?
Is Ephesians 6:12 about demons or dark angels?
Is Satan a demon or an angel?
Can you bind a dark angel?
Do you have spiritual authority in the 2nd heaven?
What does Jude say about warfare with dark angels?
Why are dark angelic beings still around if Jesus defeated them on the cross?
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation of maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Next installment FG2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardian Cherub
A teaching on the angelic hierarchy as defined in the Pauline epistles and Jude.
What are the cosmic beings?
What are demons?
What's the difference between a demon and dark angel?
Is Satan a demon or an angel?
Can you bind a dark angel?
Do you have spiritual authority in the 2nd heaven?
What does Jude say about warfare with dark angels?
Why are dark angelic beings still around if Jesus defeated them on the cross?
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation of maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Next installment FG2HR - Lucifer the Anointed Guardian Cherub
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Ghost Adventures Aftershock Aftermath
Back on Oct 23, 2014 I posted a blog about The Ghost Adventures team and their
conduct in investigation with spirit boards and a demon. The October 2014 episodewas about a Demon that was tormenting Darrell and Katie Evans.
You can find the blog here:
Did Ghost Adventures Go Too Far?
I wanted to follow up with the Ghost Adventures Aftershocks episode, where Zac Baggans revealed some things about the investigation that aired in October.
Because of this episode a demon's name trended on twitter. Which is the same as a large scale global summoning of the demon. Way to go on that one,,,
In the Aftershocks episode, Zac reveals some interesting things which are pretty much duplicitous for an individual self-proclaiming themselves as an expert in demonology. First case in point Zac says the demon they encountered is Biblical. Duplicitous Zac uses wicca to cleanse himself and some innocent people of the demon. Second, Zac finally admits this is demonic obsession and not research. Which I pointed out in my blog. Third, Zac comes in as savior to help a family he was responsible for demonically slime-ing. One of which was a young teen girl who should not have been on site with the crew.
Zac demons target young girls!
Any person with a minimal understanding in demonology would have caught this. How did the expert not catch this and send her home???
I was surprised that Zac made the following comments, yet they didn't seem to settle on his on conscience. Interesting enough, Zac referred to the demon as Biblical at t=3:14. t=4:29 the conversation switches to demonic obsession.
During this interview Zac reminded me of the Hunger Games character, Ceaser Flickerman. That's how comical this show is becoming. Well it would be funny if it weren't for the peoples lives it is destroying in the shows aftermath. Maybe that should be the name of this show, Ghost Adventures Aftermath.
I spoke about how I knew Katie was demonized and no one went to help her. She wandered off possessed and the crew decided it was more important to play with ouija boards. The filming should have stopped and this woman should have been taken to an exorcist. It was later revealed that an incubus demon manifested and sexually violated Katie. In hind site, the exorcism may not have been successful, because it was later revealed to us in this episode, that Katie was using the spirit board and having relations with an incubus spirit. This stuff needs to be shutdown for an exorcism. It's all about a battle of the will. I was still shocked at the infamous GA team and how they did nothing to assist Katie at this time.
I don't want to focus on this much longer. I would like to focus on how the spiritual ignorance of the crew put a young teen woman through the nightmare of spiritual attachment to a demon. I created a transcript of the interview with Tee Jay and his daughter, Makayla. Apparently, Makayla was on hand for the shows filming at a demonized location. She was supposedly interviewed at the site and it was later not used in the actual show. Just thinking off the top of my head, knowing what I know and have seen, it's not the best choice for a dad to bring his daughter too. Again, all these safety checks weren't in place. But that is biggest issue with ghost hunting (demons).
As for Tee Jay, I don't think he believed the site was demonically active until the team stirred up the demon with a spirit board.
As you may have noticed by my tone. I am VERY UPSET about what happened to this young woman.
To re-cap the episode -Tee Jay was in the house for only 10 minutes. Let's examine the Spiritual attachment to Makayla. What bother's me about this interview is the combination of Zac's arrogance and his ignorance in the subject matter. Zac wants to educate Makayla but he doesn't have the foundational understanding in spirituality to know that this young girl could get a dangerous spiritual attachment.
t = transcript time from the video.
TJ - How can I fight what I can't see?
Makayla - The night we came home form the interview my dad says he felt someone standing behind him. And I start crying because I was laying on the bed and someone is standing over me and has their hand right here (over her right shoulder). And I can see a man walking back and forth in my room.
Zac - He was putting his hand on your chest?
Makayla - he had his hand right here.I was laying in my bed. I was getting ready for bed.
Zac - you couldn't breath?
Makayla - I couldn't breath. So I ran in and found my dad and we left the house.
Makayla - and my dad was crying also.
Zak - your dad was crying?
Makayla - He was crying. He was scared also.
Zak - have you ever seen your dad this freaked out before? Have you seen your dad cry before?
Makayla - (shakes her head no!) he never cries. My dad never cries.
Zak - and he cried that night...
Makayala - his eyes were tearing up. When he came out of here and he was talking to me. His eyes were tearing up.
Zak - out of fear after I interviewed him?
Makayla - Uh-huh! (yes)
Zac - are you guys okay now? do you guys want any help?
Makayla - we do want help yes.
Zac - what kind of help? would you like.
Makayla - he just wants it gone.
Zac - ok
Makayla - whatever it is -gone!
Zac - ok. Before you guys leave here today I am going to have it arranged.To get somebody to your house and get this entity gone. So you don't have to cry anymore over this.
Zac - I arranged for the woman who did the ritual cleansing on me,
Lisa Ghariani, psychic medium, to do the same for Tee Jay and Makayla.
Lisa - do you feel like it's an attachment around you?
TJ - I do. Lisa - OK.
TJ - I entered into something I was ignorant to and I want out.
Lisa - that's why we're here okay?
Zac narration - she uses sage and smoke to remove the negative energy from the home.
Lisa (ritual) - if there is a dark entity that has been in this room. You will go and you will not be allowed to return.
Zac narration - while blessing it's occupants with words and rituals..
TJ - if there is something that has somehow attached to me Lisa - it will be gone. if I feel any doubt I will let you know.
TJ - OK.
Lisa - deal?
TJ - Deal! t=28:53
Zac narration - as soon as the cleansing is finished both TeeJay and Makayla are overcome with strong emotions. Suggesting whatever negative force had a hold on them has been finally removed.
Lisa - may this home be protected with light - pure light.
Zac narration - Unleashing a wave of feelings. I am so grateful to be able help this family move past this dark period in their lives.
So here are my comments on all of this. Why are ghost hunters so duplicitous in their spirituality?
Zac calls the demon out as a Biblical demon? He is correct there. All spirits were created by God.
for all things in heaven and on earth were created in him—all things, whether visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions, whether principalities or powers—all things were created through him and for him. - Colossians 1:16
Demons are former angelic beings that allied with Satan and rebelled against God in heaven. Demons are low order grunt soldiers of various ranks, above these demonic spirits, there are evil angelic spirits who sided with Satan in the rebellion. We are looking at the choir of angels outlined in Ephesians 6:12.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. - Ephesians 6:12
The demonic forces here in our physical realm we have authority over through Jesus Christ. In the heavenlies where these dark ruling angels reside (sometimes referred to by Christians as the second heaven), we have no authority. False teachers tell people learning spiritual warfare to go sharpen their iron in the second heaven. This is a very bad teaching with extremely dangerous repercussions.
To bring this point home, when the Ghost Adventures team are self-proclaimed demon hunters and don't walk in the authority of Jesus Christ, they walk in nothing. Zilch. This is why they are oppressed and demonized. Zac isn't demonologist he is a demonically oppressed soul blindlessly obsessed with demonic activity. When your work is responsible for twitter trending the name of a demon. That is not a very good claim to be making. By trending the name on twitter the demon was being globally summoned. How many people besides Zac had nightmares of the demon and oppression that night after the show?
Zac next tactical mistake was using a psychic to rid the demon. Psychics are operating off a hi-jacked spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. Yes, they have a real gift to discern spirits. However, since the soul the gift is operating in isn't justified and redeemed through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God, the gift is high jacked and connected to a familiar spirit. This is information from ancient Hebrew, it is not a new revelation.
13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; - 1 Chronicles 10:13 KJV
The cleansing of Tee Jay's house was an abomination. Demons may not like what the wiccans did, but it certainly drive the spirits away. The joy presented at the end of the cleansing is a false one.
Unleashing a wave of feelings does not get rid of a demon. Especially, one of this magnitude! Wicca rituals do not cleanse homes of Biblical demons Zac! What a nightmare the Ghost Adventures crew has unleashed on this family. I have attempted to reach out to Tee Jay and Makayla. I hope the care package and calling card make it to your hands. There are real ministry teams out there that can help you. Just as the show the Walking Dead is a documentary of "what not to do" in a zombie apocalypse, so is Ghost Adventures a documentary of "what not to do" with demonic oppression.
I am starting to call the Ghost Adventures Aftershocks - Ghost Adventures Aftermath! Zac doesn't see the trail of destruction this show leaves.
I seriously don't know how Zac allowed young Makayla to be on site when the crew was filming. A person who is an expert in demons must certainly be aware of the dangers of demonic attachment to young girls. Either he is blinded by his own obsession or we are seeing his oppressing spirits making decisions for him. In other words, He needs a God exorcism by a Roman Catholic priest. I believe he does at this point anyway.
That's just the truth of the matter.
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Because of this episode a demon's name trended on twitter. Which is the same as a large scale global summoning of the demon. Way to go on that one,,,
In the Aftershocks episode, Zac reveals some interesting things which are pretty much duplicitous for an individual self-proclaiming themselves as an expert in demonology. First case in point Zac says the demon they encountered is Biblical. Duplicitous Zac uses wicca to cleanse himself and some innocent people of the demon. Second, Zac finally admits this is demonic obsession and not research. Which I pointed out in my blog. Third, Zac comes in as savior to help a family he was responsible for demonically slime-ing. One of which was a young teen girl who should not have been on site with the crew.
Zac demons target young girls!
Any person with a minimal understanding in demonology would have caught this. How did the expert not catch this and send her home???
I was surprised that Zac made the following comments, yet they didn't seem to settle on his on conscience. Interesting enough, Zac referred to the demon as Biblical at t=3:14. t=4:29 the conversation switches to demonic obsession.
During this interview Zac reminded me of the Hunger Games character, Ceaser Flickerman. That's how comical this show is becoming. Well it would be funny if it weren't for the peoples lives it is destroying in the shows aftermath. Maybe that should be the name of this show, Ghost Adventures Aftermath.
I spoke about how I knew Katie was demonized and no one went to help her. She wandered off possessed and the crew decided it was more important to play with ouija boards. The filming should have stopped and this woman should have been taken to an exorcist. It was later revealed that an incubus demon manifested and sexually violated Katie. In hind site, the exorcism may not have been successful, because it was later revealed to us in this episode, that Katie was using the spirit board and having relations with an incubus spirit. This stuff needs to be shutdown for an exorcism. It's all about a battle of the will. I was still shocked at the infamous GA team and how they did nothing to assist Katie at this time.
I don't want to focus on this much longer. I would like to focus on how the spiritual ignorance of the crew put a young teen woman through the nightmare of spiritual attachment to a demon. I created a transcript of the interview with Tee Jay and his daughter, Makayla. Apparently, Makayla was on hand for the shows filming at a demonized location. She was supposedly interviewed at the site and it was later not used in the actual show. Just thinking off the top of my head, knowing what I know and have seen, it's not the best choice for a dad to bring his daughter too. Again, all these safety checks weren't in place. But that is biggest issue with ghost hunting (demons).
As for Tee Jay, I don't think he believed the site was demonically active until the team stirred up the demon with a spirit board.
As you may have noticed by my tone. I am VERY UPSET about what happened to this young woman.
To re-cap the episode -Tee Jay was in the house for only 10 minutes. Let's examine the Spiritual attachment to Makayla. What bother's me about this interview is the combination of Zac's arrogance and his ignorance in the subject matter. Zac wants to educate Makayla but he doesn't have the foundational understanding in spirituality to know that this young girl could get a dangerous spiritual attachment.
t = transcript time from the video.
TJ - How can I fight what I can't see?
Makayla - The night we came home form the interview my dad says he felt someone standing behind him. And I start crying because I was laying on the bed and someone is standing over me and has their hand right here (over her right shoulder). And I can see a man walking back and forth in my room.
Zac - He was putting his hand on your chest?
Makayla - he had his hand right here.I was laying in my bed. I was getting ready for bed.
Zac - you couldn't breath?
Makayla - I couldn't breath. So I ran in and found my dad and we left the house.
Makayla - and my dad was crying also.
Zak - your dad was crying?
Makayla - He was crying. He was scared also.
Zak - have you ever seen your dad this freaked out before? Have you seen your dad cry before?
Makayla - (shakes her head no!) he never cries. My dad never cries.
Zak - and he cried that night...
Makayala - his eyes were tearing up. When he came out of here and he was talking to me. His eyes were tearing up.
Zak - out of fear after I interviewed him?
Makayla - Uh-huh! (yes)
Zac - are you guys okay now? do you guys want any help?
Makayla - we do want help yes.
Zac - what kind of help? would you like.
Makayla - he just wants it gone.
Zac - ok
Makayla - whatever it is -gone!
Zac - ok. Before you guys leave here today I am going to have it arranged.To get somebody to your house and get this entity gone. So you don't have to cry anymore over this.
Zac - I arranged for the woman who did the ritual cleansing on me,
Lisa Ghariani, psychic medium, to do the same for Tee Jay and Makayla.
Lisa - do you feel like it's an attachment around you?
TJ - I do. Lisa - OK.
TJ - I entered into something I was ignorant to and I want out.
Lisa - that's why we're here okay?
Zac narration - she uses sage and smoke to remove the negative energy from the home.
Lisa (ritual) - if there is a dark entity that has been in this room. You will go and you will not be allowed to return.
Zac narration - while blessing it's occupants with words and rituals..
TJ - if there is something that has somehow attached to me Lisa - it will be gone. if I feel any doubt I will let you know.
TJ - OK.
Lisa - deal?
TJ - Deal! t=28:53
Zac narration - as soon as the cleansing is finished both TeeJay and Makayla are overcome with strong emotions. Suggesting whatever negative force had a hold on them has been finally removed.
Lisa - may this home be protected with light - pure light.
Zac narration - Unleashing a wave of feelings. I am so grateful to be able help this family move past this dark period in their lives.
So here are my comments on all of this. Why are ghost hunters so duplicitous in their spirituality?
Zac calls the demon out as a Biblical demon? He is correct there. All spirits were created by God.
for all things in heaven and on earth were created in him—all things, whether visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions, whether principalities or powers—all things were created through him and for him. - Colossians 1:16
Demons are former angelic beings that allied with Satan and rebelled against God in heaven. Demons are low order grunt soldiers of various ranks, above these demonic spirits, there are evil angelic spirits who sided with Satan in the rebellion. We are looking at the choir of angels outlined in Ephesians 6:12.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. - Ephesians 6:12
The demonic forces here in our physical realm we have authority over through Jesus Christ. In the heavenlies where these dark ruling angels reside (sometimes referred to by Christians as the second heaven), we have no authority. False teachers tell people learning spiritual warfare to go sharpen their iron in the second heaven. This is a very bad teaching with extremely dangerous repercussions.
To bring this point home, when the Ghost Adventures team are self-proclaimed demon hunters and don't walk in the authority of Jesus Christ, they walk in nothing. Zilch. This is why they are oppressed and demonized. Zac isn't demonologist he is a demonically oppressed soul blindlessly obsessed with demonic activity. When your work is responsible for twitter trending the name of a demon. That is not a very good claim to be making. By trending the name on twitter the demon was being globally summoned. How many people besides Zac had nightmares of the demon and oppression that night after the show?
Zac next tactical mistake was using a psychic to rid the demon. Psychics are operating off a hi-jacked spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. Yes, they have a real gift to discern spirits. However, since the soul the gift is operating in isn't justified and redeemed through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God, the gift is high jacked and connected to a familiar spirit. This is information from ancient Hebrew, it is not a new revelation.
13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; - 1 Chronicles 10:13 KJV
The cleansing of Tee Jay's house was an abomination. Demons may not like what the wiccans did, but it certainly drive the spirits away. The joy presented at the end of the cleansing is a false one.
Unleashing a wave of feelings does not get rid of a demon. Especially, one of this magnitude! Wicca rituals do not cleanse homes of Biblical demons Zac! What a nightmare the Ghost Adventures crew has unleashed on this family. I have attempted to reach out to Tee Jay and Makayla. I hope the care package and calling card make it to your hands. There are real ministry teams out there that can help you. Just as the show the Walking Dead is a documentary of "what not to do" in a zombie apocalypse, so is Ghost Adventures a documentary of "what not to do" with demonic oppression.
I am starting to call the Ghost Adventures Aftershocks - Ghost Adventures Aftermath! Zac doesn't see the trail of destruction this show leaves.
I seriously don't know how Zac allowed young Makayla to be on site when the crew was filming. A person who is an expert in demons must certainly be aware of the dangers of demonic attachment to young girls. Either he is blinded by his own obsession or we are seeing his oppressing spirits making decisions for him. In other words, He needs a God exorcism by a Roman Catholic priest. I believe he does at this point anyway.
That's just the truth of the matter.
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Spiritual Warfare and Inner Healing from Severe Trauma
On Friday February 13, 2015 I had the honor and privilege to speak at a Women's Aglo meeting.
I was invited to come speak on M16 Ministries and spiritual warfare. Usually, when I am invited to speak, I generally talk about relevant topics of cases the ministry is involved in.
For this talk, I spoke on spiritual warfare and inner healing from severe trauma. Many deliverance ministries and churches don't understand the connection between deliverance and inner healing. Many believe a spirit will be evicted and everything in the oppressed person's life will fall into place.
In this talk, I was allowed to focus on what my ministry is currently doing in spiritual freedom and working with Christian women coming out life long severe trauma - Dissociative Identity Disorder. And what this road to healing looks like and how long it can take.
Here is the audio,
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Here is the audio,
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Demonology Today Radio Interview February 4 2015
Wednesday evening February 4 2015, I took a break from my evening ministry sessions to be interviewed by Catholic Demonologists Ken and Farah Deal. This was an incredible interview with a couple who really understand their material in high level spiritual warfare. It was an absolute pleasure being on their show. Ken and Farah did an outstanding job in interviewing me and reviewing M16 Ministries A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare.
Thank you Ken and Farah.
Presented below is what I call the Director's Extended cut of the interview. It is the complete interview for the first hour (it was a two hour interview). I included pictures for some of the topics I was talking on. Hence the Director's Cut. It's kind of like an audio book now.
The interview is packed with lot's of great information and I am grateful it was Ken and Farah doing this interview to bring the FG2SW story to light!
And now, the show.....
WPAR Demonology Today with Ken and Farah Deel
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
Thank you Ken and Farah.
Presented below is what I call the Director's Extended cut of the interview. It is the complete interview for the first hour (it was a two hour interview). I included pictures for some of the topics I was talking on. Hence the Director's Cut. It's kind of like an audio book now.
The interview is packed with lot's of great information and I am grateful it was Ken and Farah doing this interview to bring the FG2SW story to light!
And now, the show.....
WPAR Demonology Today with Ken and Farah Deel
Rev. Mike
Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS
Please note also, if you post a comment, I require that it be an intelligent comment with facts to collaborate and support your point. I have an expectation in maturity of the person posting a comment to participate -- otherwise I will delete it.
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